Oh the never-ending struggle with math, numbers and calculations. Do you feel lost in the world of math? Do not worry, CAS calculators come to the rescue. Why are they so good? Well, read on if you are looking to solve these headache-causing problems faster and easier.


The Difference

A standard calculator is able to manipulate with numbers through the standard functions of dividing, adding, subtracting and multiplying simple numbers. It can also perform functions like trigonometry, logarithms, radicals and similar. On the other hand, a CAS calculator can do all that and a lot more: factor polynomials, expand and solve equations and calculus functions such as derivatives without numerical limits, which is especially important for students in finance. As such, this calculator is very powerful, which is why so many teachers do not allow students to use it. It is even banned for use on major tests, except for the SAT and the AP calculus test.

  • The first thing you should know about CAS calculators, is that these high-tech gadgets are rather advanced. This means they can perform some really complicated tasks and mathematical operations which means yes, your prayers for a fast and easy solution to your math problems have been answered.
  • The second thing you should know, is what CAS means – Computer Algebra System. CAS calculators are enhanced graphic calculators,which means you should look for one if you are a student in advanced calculus classes. However, some teachers forbid these calculators because of how good they are in performing the calculation tasks. After all, a calculator is supposed to help you, not do the job for you, right?

That is basically the thing with these often blessed pieces of technology by students all over the world who struggle with math classes; they solve the problem for you. Now I know you look forward to getting your hands on one as soon as possible, do not forget to do your research first. You are about to buy a tool for solving mathematical problems, which means that beside its functions, you also need to pay attention to the brand. Therefore, see what is offered on the market first, compare prices and performances and then see what fits your budget and needs best. For instance, Texas Instruments is a well known brand of calculators; an HP Prime Graphing Calculator is also a great solution to consider as its powerful applications for switching between symbolic, graphical and numerical table views make it unstoppable. You need this calculator to serve you for a long time, so invest enough time and effort in choosing it.