If you work with numbers, finding a good calculator can be hard. It’s so important to have a calculator that can get you accurate results in a quick, efficient manner so you can get through your day easy and snag free.

If you work in the building industry, you have without any doubt heard about the Construction Master 5 calculator, and if you haven’t, you should. This is a good construction calculator for anyone who takes their job and profession seriously. It is easy to use and can get the job done indoors or outdoors and it will always give you precise and accurate results for all your math problems. The Construction Master 5 is great if you need an answer to a problem on the spot; it is great for any plans or layouts you might get on the job and with the Construction Master 5 calculator you can minimize the risk of errors when calculating costs and materials. This good construction calculator will end up saving you money, time and stress from the job.


The Construction Master 5 calculator was designed for and is used in many areas of the construction industry; some of the people using these construction calculators the most are contractors, builders, architects, engineers, trade persons and so on. The reason that so many people in this industry use this great construction calculator is because it is so versatile and it comes with so many math features so it can do a wide range of problems with ease.

Some of the features this good construction calculator offers include but are not limited to linear, area and volume solutions, it can convert dimension including metric, rafter, roof and framing solutions including hip/valley, jacks and rake-walls. It offers stair solutions including risers, treads, stringer, and incline, built-in right angle solutions including automatic square-ups; it can calculate circular and arc areas including the diameters, circumference, and board feet, and also any weight per volume problems. The features don’t stop here, there are some features you may not know about that come with the Master 5 calculator.

The backspace key makes it easy to erase any mistakes; you can also review up to 20 entries back; it automatically shuts off after a while to save battery life; it comes with a protective case, the user guide which comes in English and Spanish, and you can also change the LCD to Spanish. The Master 5 construction calculator is a perfect fit for any young professional, or even if you’ve been in the field for a while, you will not regret buying this calculator. It can take any math problem that you might get on the job, then process that information in the blink of an eye to give you accurate, precise, fast answers. This will make your job and everyone else’s easier, faster, and will definitely improve workplace performance.

You can find Construction Master 5 calculator in many office supply stores or you can always search, browse and compare prices, and buy this calculator online. Having the Construction Master 5 calculator on you in your day to day life will make your job smoother, and work pace more efficient.