Hypnotherapy is a type of psychotherapy that uses hypnosis to achieve a deep relaxation of the mind, while ensuring a patient stays open to positive suggestions. In other words, hypnotherapy is a way to alter the subconscious mind of a patient. It is the subconscious mind that is responsible for the habitual behaviours which are often hard to change, such as smoking or overeating. This psychological method is usually performed with the help of a certified hypnotherapist (you can also learn to do self hypnosis).


According to certified hypnotherapists who practise hypnotherapy in Melbourne, there are many benefits this treatment provides.

Reduce Stress And Anxiety – Hypnotherapy is a proven method for relieving anxiety and stress, which is in fact a feeling of pressure. Pressure is most commonly caused by problems on the professional or personal front. As the experts for hypnotherapy in Melbourne explain, each person copes with stressful situations differently, however, most people have hard time overcoming stress easily and this is when problems occur. Hypnosis can help relieve stress and anxiety by enabling a person to stay focused on positive suggestions.

Lose Weight – Weight gain is usually associated with eating disorder. Binge eating is one of disorders that is controlled by your subconscious mind. Given this, no matter how hard you try to lose weight, the subconscious thoughts will make you crave for unhealthy foods, which in most cases leads to overeating. Hypnotherapy can help you alter your subconscious mind and change your food addiction, by relaxing your mind and repeating utterances about the negative effects of your bad habit.

Quit Smoking – The experts from the clinics for hypnotherapy in Melbourne, point out that one of the main problem most people try to solve with this psychological treatment is smoking. Just like the compulsive eating disorder, smoking is habitual behaviour that is controlled by your subconscious mind. If you’ve tried different methods for smoking cessation and none of them worked for you, then hypnotherapy may be the winning solution. It is totally safe and pain free method that treats the core of the problem and not the symptoms like most of other smoking cessation methods and products do. Thus, you have nothing to lose, but only benefit from hypnotherapy.

If you believe hypnotherapy is the solution you need, search for clinics that offer hypnotherapy in Melbourne.