Dogs can get atopic dermatitis and in that case, you should get them to your vet so they can determine what is going on. The good news is that there are medications for this condition so it is very likely that your vet will suggest one like CADI injection for dogs. This canine atopic dermatitis immunotherapeutic will treat your dog’s symptoms (itching) in one to two days and will have an effect for a month to month and a half.
However, your vet may suggest other treatments such as shampoos or creams that should be applied topically. This medication is best given by your vet, but in some cases, you as a dog owner will have to do it yourself. Just be sure to follow the instructions on the package. Before you administer this injection to your dog, here is some basic info that you should know.
Why Is CADI Injection Useful

CADI is used to help reduce clinical signs such as itching associated with atopic dermatitis in dogs. The best way to be sure whether to give this medicine to your dog (no matter their age) is to talk to your veterinarian. Most dogs find release for one to two months. The good thing is that this injection can be used with other medications such as steroids, anti-histamines. Keep in mind that CADI cannot be used for cats since it is a dog antibody. Up to 80% of dogs who underwent the CADI injection treatment got a significant improvement in their itchiness. In about 50% of cases, the skin redness got better.
This treatment, however, is not anti-inflammatory, as it only takes away the itching signs. Your dog will still have to get a suitable treatment with medications that will control the atopy (this may include topical treatment, weekly creams, shampoos and so on).
What Your Vet Needs to Know to See if CADI Is Safely Given
It’s important to talk to your vet about the following things. For instance, if your pet is taking other drugs, they may interfere with the application of the CADI injection for dogs. It doesn’t matter if your dog takes vitamins, supplements or herbal therapy, the vet must know about this. Tell them about any diseases or conditions your dog has or had in the past. Your vet must know if your dog was treated for the same disease or condition in the past (be precise if the treatment worked). If your dog had any unwanted side effects, your vet or pharmacist should also be aware of this (mention if there was an allergic reaction, vomiting or lack of appetite, diarrhea, hair loss or itching).

How to Know if This Medication Is Working
Many dog owners want to know if the medication is working and when they can see the effects of it. Usually, Cytopoint gives results in one to two days. Your dog’s clinical signs will improve after that. The effects of the injections are long-lived, which means your dog will be well for the next four to six weeks. In case your dog has decreased kidney or liver function, the effects might be prolonged.
Is it Safe
No drug is 100% safe in all patients, however, your vet will talk to you about your concerns about using this drug for your pet. Your vet will emphasize that this drug shouldn’t be administered to dogs who have had previous allergic reactions to it. Also, the drug should be used with caution if your dog is pregnant or lactating since this drug hasn’t been tested in these animals. If your dog isn’t in any of these conditions, still talk to your vet if there are any potential risks.

Potential Side Effects
This is a new drug, and so far it has rarely had side effects in dogs. However, if you notice that your dog has pain or discomfort at the injection site, they are vomiting, having diarrhea, and lethargy for a couple of days after the injection, call your vet. These side effects are common but are not serious.
Unless these side effects are severe or worsen with time, there is no reason to be concerned. These side effects may be a serious problem if your dog has facial swelling, collapses, has difficulty breathing or has intense itching that indicates a serious allergic reaction (these are very rare side effects).
If you notice any of these signs, contact your veterinarian immediately.