Are you looking for a way to refresh your interior design? A new wall aesthetic can change the entire look of your home. It sets the perfect base for further interior changes, and it can be done in a single remodelling move.

The Many Benefits of Wallpaper

wallpaper rolls on floor

Wallpaper is a great way to give your walls a fancy finish. These are some of the reasons to consider wallpaper over other wallcovering methods:

  • It’s durable. When it’s installed properly, it can last up to 15 years;
  • It’s cost-effective. Although the installation can cost you initially more money and time than painting the wall, it’s less expensive in the long run;
  • It hides imperfections. You can hide any wall surface imperfection with wallpaper;
  • It comes in a variety of colours, textures and patterns;
  • It’s easy to install and remove. Many people think once they put wallpaper on their walls, they’re stuck with it. This isn’t true. Wallpapers today are easy to install and remove. You can easily strip them off in whole sheets once you’re ready for an update;
  • It’s easy to clean. If you damage your painted walls, the only option is to repaint them. Wallpaper is easy to clean. Some wallpapers are water-resistant, so you can clean them with ease using a damp cloth. And some of them are even washable and scrubbable, which means you can wash/scrub them. These are the perfect choice for your kitchen and bathroom.

The many advantages of wallpaper are complemented by its ability to transform any space in your home. If you lack ideas, these are the latest wallpaper trends to take your interior design to another level.

The Best Wallpaper Trends

Brick Look Wallpaper

brick look wallpaper in living room

Exposed brick walls can add depth, character and rustic charm to any space. Yet, chipping off the plaster to see if the wall would look better without it isn’t possible for everyone. That’s where faux brick wallpaper enters the game. There’s a wide range of brick look wallpaper to update the look of any room in the house, including the bedroom.

Brick wallpaper seems to be an ever-growing trend. It brings us the new textures, colours and patterns we need for an upgraded industrial style. We can bring the outside in and create a calm and stylish home look by introducing brick wallpaper. The following are some of the favourites when it comes to brick look wallpaper.

Classic Red Brick

This is the look we immediately think of when we hear bricks. What goes well with red brick wallpaper? Red and orange brick walls are the ultimate way of creating the loft industrial look. They’re the perfect base for creating a wide-open industrial lounge with raw wood and metal furniture pieces.

Amsterdam Black Bricks

black brick look wallpaper in kitchen

A gorgeously realistic black brick wallpaper with very few distinguishing marks would not draw attention to the repeat. It’s perfect for a large space. A black brick wall with furniture in statement colours, like red or green, will create a sense of mood that no other brick can.

Lime-Washed Bricks

Do you Like the brick wallpaper idea but are worried about making your room too dark? Light bricks are the best alternative to industrial looking red ones for you.

Decorative Wooden Panels

These would be the right choice when creating a warm, cosy look. The natural wood colours are perfect for rustic raw, while the minimalistic tiles blend into every look, including Scandinavian ones.

Stonewall Mural

This mural is your go-to for total home metamorphosis if you’re more into stones than brick or wood.

Nature Prints

nature print wallpaper in living room

As more and more people work from home, everyone’s constantly searching for new ways of connecting with nature. Incorporating nature into our homes is one step further in being closer to nature.

That’s why nature and biophilic wallpapers have been an ongoing trend in the last couple of years. Adding trees, flowers and fauna to our walls can help us reduce stress and enhance productivity. It can help us improve our well-being in general.

These are some ideas on how to incorporate nature in your home using a nature-inspired wallpaper:

Bold Florals

Although floral wallpapers aren’t something new, oversized flower murals have been a thing lately. Bold colours and contrasting designs can make a real statement. Think big rose flowers with green and brown leaves on black!

The Colour Green

Green is what we think of when we think of nature. It’s calming and has many shades that can be introduced to any interior style and look.

Monstera Love

The monster has been an absolute favourite among all plant lovers for quite a while now. You can see the monster leaves on t-shirts and tote bags, so why not put them on your walls?

Bold Colour for a Statement Wall

blue statement wallpaper in dining room

Using colour therapy to set the mood is a staple when it comes to wallpaper trends.

Different colours have different meanings. For example, the colour pink signifies unconditional love, affection and nurturing. The mix between red and white reminds of female softness, romance, affection, and intimacy. Use pink wallpaper to achieve a dramatic look. You can either use plain or pattern wallpaper. To make the drama bigger, you can even choose some extra texture.

The colour blue represents both the sky and the. Blue gives depth, and in interior design terms, it is associated with qualities such as purity and peace. Combined with warmer and more energetic colours, blue inspires confidence and serenity. Yet, you must know what colours compliment blue in a way that won’t make it too sad or depressing. Choosing out of the many shades of blue wallpaper can make a certain space look like a serene dreamland.